ZAR 53

It is the ZAR of records: (comfortable 8 front running seats, a double double bed, 8 peaks to stow goods and a range of unique combinations seats/sun bathing bed/bed/table. This boat has revolutionised the concept of the rubber dinghies, in only 5.35 meters it withholds all the innovations introduced by “ZAR project”. Ideal for the family, that can enjoy wonderful autonomous nautical camping days (and nights); ZAR 53 is excellent for all purposes. It bears high-rank motors (140 HP) and offers remarkable performance, or moderate ones (70 HP) without disadvantages for pleasant sailing.
It transports 10 persons, it has about 130 litres of fuel capacity and about 60 litres of water capacity under the walk fl oor without diminishing the passengers and peaks space. Everything has been planned and built for maximum comfort.
The hull is deep and long as much as the one of many bigger boats, it offers soft sailing on the waves, stable tacking and agility, all qualities that are unique in its category (and in the ones above). The line elegance and the practical design make ZAR 53 a unique rubber boat all over the world.